On Credibility: Whom to trust on the Internet

Figuring out which strangers to trust on the Internet is a challenging problem, but potentially a very rewarding one. Ideally you’re interacting with transparent, accountable people who may even be experts in their fields, who may have tons of invaluable wisdom and knowledge to share—if only you trust them. I’m weighing in on this because I have reason to believe I’m particularly good at solving this problem. Continue reading

Finding the Good Internet

On paper, the Internet looks like something that would drastically change humanity for the better. But, while capable of delivering just about any information that our greatest aspirations could demand, it is mostly delivering information perfectly tuned to our lowest aspirations. The Good Internet is the subset of the Internet that actually makes your life better. It is hidden in plain sight. Continue reading

Weariness (image)

This image came to my mind a year and a half ago when I was sick and more-or-less stranded in Australia, at the tail end of my vacation, because all the airlines were canceling their service due to covid. I wanted to portray the weariness you feel when a handful of different problems happen to combine around you. Continue reading

Plots and Plans

This one is about setting goals. In my last post I wrote from experience about some ways to approach problems of willpower and increase our chances of doing the things we most want to do. Closely related to that is the practice of goal-setting. If your goals are stated in detail and align well to your deepest values, you’ll have an easier time justifying the work to carry them out. Continue reading