Go to the Ear Hockey listing on the Microsoft Store to download this unique audio-based game for Windows 10. Be sure to use a good set of headphones for the full experience! And see my full post for a detailed look … Continue reading
Gossip as advertised weakness
The other day, at a conference for work, I overheard a conversation of a kind that I’d heard many times before. It involved three people: the main speaker (whom we’ll call Gossiper), an acquaintance (Listener) and a third person, not … Continue reading
The case against common self-descriptions
Or, Why you’re not actually bad at remembering people’s names. For a long time I’ve been in the habit of avoiding using certain statements to describe myself, even if they’d have expressed something that I really felt at the time. … Continue reading
Learning Italian in 2 weeks
Living by myself, I have the opportunity to allocate just about every minute of my non-work time for whatever purpose I want, with very little interruption or distraction that I don’t seek out myself. This allows me to juggle a … Continue reading
Architect planter (hardware)
This is another 3D model to be printed and used as a planter. I was prompted recently to create it and order one for myself because someone gave me a new plant as a gift. It’s a stout, simple human … Continue reading
Leonardo Clock app widget
This is a programming project I’ve been working on for fun and practice. It’s an Android app that is a home screen widget, meaning it displays actual app content, not just an icon, on the home screen. Like my Harbor Terminal project, … Continue reading
Addressing Consumerism Completely (Part 2)
In Part 1, I explained why I believe we can understand consumerism—habitual and ever-increasing consumption—more completely by looking at it in the general sense of value consumption rather than the specific sense of monetary spending. In this post, I’ll describe … Continue reading
Microsoft Star Wars novelty poster (image)
Let me just say, categorizing this as “art” is a big stretch. But it features some of the same technical skills, so there’s that. As a gag gift for a White Elephant Christmas party at my office, I created this image in Photoshop and had it printed and framed. I also printed out a huge poster for myself, which now hangs in one of the common areas of our building on Microsoft’s campus. Continue reading
Addressing Consumerism Completely (Part 1)
Introduction In my generation, there’s been a lot of talk about consumerism—the cultural trend of acquiring goods and services habitually and in ever-increasing amounts. In college I learned a little bit about why it this trend came about and how … Continue reading
Harbor Terminal project (image + painting)
As part of my ongoing effort to decorate my apartment, I decided to make another painting on a wrapped canvas—this one with a more original subject, unlike the Gorilla and Butterfly pair. For a long time, I’ve been interested in the … Continue reading
Color Quadrant Series (painting)
Around mid-2016, my friends and I thought it would be fun to make a painting together. I had this idea of doing basically a color-by-number painting, where the canvas is divided into four sections and each person uses their own choice … Continue reading
The Question of Why (Part 2)
In the last post, I concluded that the question “Why ___?” is the request for a reason for something to be the case, and that the answers to this question either state a cause or state the desired effect of the … Continue reading
The Question of Why (Part 1)
In the past I’ve written down a few thoughts on the terms “why” and “why not” as they’re used in regular conversation. When I really examined these terms, I arrived at what I thought were some good insights which I’ve decided to present them in a 2-part series here. In … Continue reading
Synapse: my 3D print shop on Shapeways.com
I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. The 3D print company Shapeways allows users to create “online shops” on its website, where other users can order 3D prints of their designs. The shop owners mark up their … Continue reading
Embrace planter (hardware)
Another 3D model to be printed and filled with plants —created a long time ago, but recently edited to have thicker walls and a smaller overall size. I made this one with drainage holes and a fitted tray underneath to … Continue reading