A world of symbols (Part 5): Language’s arbitrary influence

1600s English men in formal attire

The concepts you most readily use to understand your experiences are determined by the language through which you learned them. And that language has been shaped arbitrarily by your own culture as well as cultures that came before it. Only by consciously avoiding those ready-made concepts can you actually notice the full spectrum of your experience. Continue reading

A world of symbols (Part 3): Surrogation of language

a page of a dictionary

Remember that language exists as a mechanism for conveying ideas. If the ideas themselves have been effectively shared, you have no honest reason to continue dwelling on the particular words. If you find yourself failing to share the ideas, you should try using different words. And finally, if you’re using words to cleverly obscure ideas in a way that feels advantageous to you, you’re committing deception and should be called out for it. Continue reading

Tiered Mansion interior (image series)

This creation is another indoor space—a large atrium containing three tiered platforms, each being a semi-private space leading up to a curtained-off bedroom area. The platforms are narrow in the center which gives the look of overlapping bridges and leaves most of the atrium as empty space. Continue reading